In today’s online world, it’s more important than ever to understand the concept of long tail keywords. By targeting these specific phrases, you can attract more relevant traffic to your website. But what are long tail keywords, exactly? See some long tail keyword examples to understand the concept.

What Are Long Tail Keywords?

Long tail keywords are simply more specific keyword phrases that visitors are more likely to use when they’re closer to a point-of-purchase or when they’re using voice search. 

For example, instead of just searching for “shoes,” a long tail keyword example might be “women’s black leather dress shoes size 7.”

Long tail keywords are generally more specific, and therefore less competitive, than shorter, more general keywords. And because they’re more specific, they usually convert better. That’s why targeting long tail keywords is an important part of any good SEO or content marketing strategy.

Want some long tail keyword examples? Keep reading!

Long Tail Keywords vs. Short Tail Keywords

Now that we’ve answered the question “what are long tail keywords?” let’s compare them to short tail keywords. Short tail keywords are more general, less specific keywords that are typically used earlier in the buyer’s journey. 

A short tail keyword for our shoe example might be “women’s shoes.” These kinds of keywords tend to be more competitive because they’re less specific.

Long tail keywords, on the other hand, are more specific and typically convert better. But because they’re more specific, they tend to be less competitive. That’s why targeting long tail keywords can be an effective SEO strategy, especially for small businesses.

Long Tail Keywords Don’t Have to Be Long

It’s important to note that a long tail keyword doesn’t have to be a long word or phrase. In fact, many long tail keywords are only two or three words. The key is that they’re specific enough to target a niche audience.

For example, let’s say you own a small business that sells dress shoes for women. A long tail keyword example you might target is “black dress shoes size 7.” This is a specific enough keyword that you’re likely to convert visitors who use it, but it’s not so specific that nobody is searching for it.

Why Are They Called Long Tail Keywords?

The term “long tail” comes from the tail shape of a normal distribution curve, which is often used to represent data sets. The long tail of the curve represents a small percentage of the overall data set. In the context of keywords, this means that a small percentage of keywords get the majority of searches.

They are not called “long-tailed” because they are long, although many of them are. The term refers to the shape of the distribution curve, not the length of the keywords themselves.

How to Find Long Tail Keyword Examples?

Now that you know what long tail keywords are and why they’re important, let’s look at how to find some long tail keyword examples. There are a few different ways to find long tail keywords:

Should I Use Long Tail Keywords or Short Tail Keywords?

Now that you know the difference between long tail keywords and short tail keywords, you might be wondering which one you should use. 

The answer is that it depends on your goals. If you’re looking to generate a lot of traffic, then you’ll want to focus on short tail keywords. But if you’re looking to generate high-quality traffic that is more likely to convert, then you’ll want to focus on long tail keywords.

There is no right or wrong answer, and you’ll likely need to use both types of keywords in order to be successful. Try experimenting with different keywords and see what works best for your business.

Long Tail Keywords – Examples

Now that you know what long tail keywords are and how to find them, let’s look at some long tail keywords – examples.

Here are some examples of long tail keywords that you can use to improve your SEO efforts: